Over the twenty-eight years I have been teaching piano, I have met many children who were scheduled in never-ending activities. So when I read “An Open Letter From An Overscheduled Child”, it resonated strongly with me.
Children need unscheduled time. They need unrushed time, time without looking at a clock. Is it my parenting style? Besides the “Open Letter” below, are there psychological studies which reaffirm that children need unscheduled time in their lives? Probably, but I don’t know.
Life is too short. Schedule wisely. Your children will only be home for a certain number of years. Fill those years with family dinners, doing things together, like baking cookies or playing games. Treasure your time with your children., because they are a gift.
Anyways, without further ado, read a powerful letter from an overscheduled child.
An Open Letter From An Overscheduled Child